2018年2月16日 星期五

Black squad

<<Black  squad>>

rise K/D in Demolition

Never join clan
idle way:TDM, kill some enemy then switch to knife and hide into someplace safe and keeping left button hold to attack to pervent afk kick. 

Hot key:
F4 view weapon
F quick melee
ALT walk
JUMP Space
4 attach silencer
V_Drop C4
C_pick up weapon


A around 9
B around11.5
C around 7


第一階門檻測試(stage 1):三次TDM測試,平均K/D要高於1,三次不過則失去Demoiltion二階測試機會。

第二階入門測試(stage 2):有三次Demoilition測試機會,要有一場K/D,三次無過則失去參與高評鑑測試資格。

第三階高評鑑測試(stage 3):三次Demoiltion測試,和總平均K/D 要高於1,過後可擁有豁免權,不用參與測驗檢定。
Pass member
G36 GL(S2)

<<去除實戰的名單(non in demolition) >>

--assault rifle
CZ 805 A2
all Cash gun

--small machince gun

-- machince gun

--shot gun




【Be the assault】

the frist thing frist,to be honest assault not a easy job, you would often got shot in frist place,and alway be killed a lot in whole team,you won't have easy time, so bite bullet before you carry on this sweet assault rilfe since it's hard duty.  

<<frist lesson>>
the basic as basic, don't go on snipe zone, this game have way to many one shot kill snipe gun that near ridicouls,so stop testing on luck of youself,won't recommand go sniper zone with Markman rifle, since the sniper could easy one shot kill, not a very good deal in most case.

you own foot is the best weapon, since this game don't have spirit option, so knife run is one of the way to quick flank enemy,switch to knife if you really need quick position youself.  

<<the aim>>
the basic of assualt have three kind of aim way.

1.single shot
simpe as title mean, one shot is for high recoil weapon, the classic exmpale is AK47, for the heavy kick on aim, is highly recommand to single shot to aim.

2.brust shot
hold down to luach massive bullets, this would easy tear out enemy in front, but made sure aim the neck or body part, since the bullets would lagre speard around the aim dot.  

3.zoom shot
open your zoom snipe, it would grant you maxmum power on long range battle ,the only way to counter the sniper, this won't be common case, but if you in this situation ,zoom shot could be the only soultion.

<<reposition youself>>

smoke and run, remember in the demolition mode you need every chance to suvive,so smoke out while enemy found you, or out of ammo and you need a brief of moment to recovery.

put on you silencer if you encounter severl enemy, so they won't found you position on map, buy some time for you on battlefield.

if a sniper pin down a specifc spot, don't alert it, flank the sniper would be a perfect option, since most sniper would be vulerable in zoom in mode couldn't protect it's back.

<<Demolition mode>>
in this game I recommand most people have 2 set of weapon same type of weapons for switch, just in case you feel unluck on one of them, you could alway switch out to another.

buy both the framgment genade, smoke genade be sure to maxm out all you equitments before in demolition, becase every equitment have it's own palce , made sure you get every thing on hand so you have best of win rate.

only choice the gun you familiar with, 

Gun slection in this game is the key to suvive, so below is the list I would highly AGASINT you to used it on demolition,some gun  have too low dmg, some gun just had little range.

for the three defult of weapon  suggestion is just don't touch it, since all three of them have extramely of low dmg and low toatl statisc, in my opnion really not that fair.

<<the final>>

1.remember the map and key spot, that basic part would save you life dozen of time.

2.rest between the match, since the snipe or zoom aim would stress up 

3.buy a headphone, a comfortable one so you could have nice game experenice

4.if you encounter freeze screen , below guide may slove you problem

5.alway test up you weapon in BOT room before any of jump in any quick match, in there you can easy warm up youself in a stressless evniroment without push youself too much of perssure.

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